Cyrik Regibeau
Pronouns: they/them/theirs
Cyrik earned their Master’s in Library Sciences from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2022, beginning work for Cunningham Township the same year. Before their involvement with Cunningham Township, Cyrik worked in digitization at the Univerity of Illinois at Urbana Champaign to provide access to library materials during the pandemic when many students and faculty were unable to return in person due to quarantine.
Cyrik began their work at township as a Program Assistant by helping manage the Rental Assistance program and providing support behind the scenes with the Homeless Management Information System, grants reporting, communications, statistics, and french translation of township materials.
Now a Program Associate, stays primarily on the back end of township programs with a greater focus on grants management and program tracking and reporting. Cyrik remains responsible for much of Township’s social media and weekly email outreach blasts however, so if you send a message to Township on Social Media or respond to one of township’s email blasts you may hear from them.
- Master of Library Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Bachelor of Creative Writing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Trauma-informed care training: General, for the Homeless, for Women
- Lead-based paint inspection
- PACE beginner sign language course
- Mental Health First Aid Training
- Lifelinks Psychosis Training
- Psychosis 101
- Understanding & Addressing Childhood Trauma in Families: Building Resilience & Healing Strategies
- HOME IL Summit 2024