Donate: Angel Donor Fund

About the Fund

Township facilitates Neighbors Helping Neighbors through channeling your charitable donation to support the unmet needs of local residents. 100% of all donated funds go directly to secure food, clothing, housing, power, transportation or other tangible needs on behalf of residents.

Thank you for the amazing community support to date! Make your tax-deductible donation online to the general fund today here or mail a check to Cunningham Township 205 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801.

Angel Donor Projects:

  1. Bucket Brigade Food Delivery

    “Bucket Brigade has been such a blessing to me and my granddaughter. My granddaughter loves the oatmeal, she eats it every day for breakfast. The toilet paper too has been a tremendous help. We appreciate it so much.”

    We deliver prepared meals, fresh produce, food pantry items, baby supplies, and toiletries for our low income or disabled Urbana residents. (In partnership with Channing Murray Foundation and Red Herring Restaurant)
    Note: We accept packaged food and new toiletries in our bin at the front of our office – thank you!

  2. Housewarming for Homeless Residents
    We provide furniture and housewares for homeless residents who we are helping to move into housing, often after months or years of homelessness. We offer store credit at Salt and Light and Habitat for Humanity ReStore which helps these great organizations while helping our program participants find the furniture they need!
  3. Utility Assistance
    We turn water and power back on for any Urbana resident experiencing a shut off. We also support Urbana residents who are behind on utility bills and are not eligible for other programs. This may involve a partial or full payment depending on the size of the bill.

  4. Housing Support
    We provide support to move program participants into housing or help them stay in housing – such as application fees, rental assistance, or paying off old utility bills.

Donations to the Angel Donor Fund can be made by check to Cunningham Township and mailed or delivered to 205 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801. Please put ANGEL DONOR FUND in the memo.

Or donate online today:

General Fund

LGBTQ Impact Fund

You will be redirected to a Paypal site. If you do not have an account, simply select “Sign up” – it is quick and easy.

Charitable contributions to governmental units are tax-deductible under section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code if made for a public purpose. Read more.

Here are some examples of items we have funded with Angel Donor funds:

    • Utilities
      A homeless household was ready to move into housing, but an old utility bill kept them from moving in. Using Angel donor funds, we paid a portion of the bill and negotiated a payment plan with Ameren for the rest.
    • Food
      A family fleeing domestic violence came to our office with children who had not eaten since the day before. While we worked to get them into the domestic violence shelter, we provided a healthy lunch with Angel Donor funds.
    • Clothing
      A man sleeping on the streets came to his appointment with boots that were split open. Since his feet were oversized, we could not locate boots at any of the free or resale places in town. We ordered replacement boots online with Angel Donor funds.
    • Housing
      We helped one of our General Assistance recipients who had been homeless for two years apply for a housing subsidy. He was awarded the subsidy but needed $375 for a deposit, which we paid for with Angel donor funds.
    • Transportation
      We helped a young homeless mother reunite with her mother by helping her make arrangements to return to her home and purchasing a bus ticket with Angel donor funds.

All donors will be acknowledged with thank you cards. Donors may be acknowledged publicly. Please let us know if you wish your donation to be anonymous. Every month the Cunningham Township Board reviews all income and expenses. A report of income and expenses is available upon request.

Questions? Contact Cunningham Township Supervisor Danielle Chynoweth.

With the Angel Donor Fund, we help residents care for their neighbors.