Behind on utilities? Facing a shut-off?
You are not alone. We can help!
Last updated: September 5, 2024
Cunningham Township may pay towards past power, water or sewer bills for Urbana residents who are shut off, or facing an imminent shut off, have exhausted all other resources, and are not able to fully afford to pay arrears.
Have a shut off or imminent shut off for power, water, or sewer.
Must be willing to do a payment plan.
Have not received CTSO utility assistance of any amount in the past 12 months.
Lives within the township borders -OR- with an Urbana address AND with children in Urbana Schools.
Have expired all other utility assistance options: LIHEAP, LIWAP, Salvation Army (217-373-7832), doctor’s note for medical need for utilities, etc.
If these programs are open, proof of denial must be submitted.
NOTE: If you are a current participant in CTSO programs, please contact your case manager directly with your request.
CTSO will provide the minimum amount due on the balance in order to set up a payment plan or to turn the utility back on:
up to $300 OR
up to $500 if the resident is on GA -OR- submits proof of receiving TANF or SSI/SSDI -OR- submits proof of pregnancy or child 0-4 years old in the house.
If the balance exceeds CTSO’s payment, then a paydown by the participant must be made before CTSO makes our portion of payment.
It is always a good idea to call the utility company and negotiate a payment plan before a shutoff occurs:
- Ameren Illinois – 1-800-755-5000
- Illinois American Water – 1-800-422-2782
At Township we can track your case, help you get documents, and help advocate for you. Just call 217-384-4144 or stop by at 205 W. Green St. in Urbana across from the library.
We thank the many generous donors to the Unitarian Universalist Utility Fund for supporting your neighbors in need.