Solidarity Gardens CU

Cunningham Township is working with the library, parks, schools, community gardens and community partners to launch Solidarity Gardens CU.

By providing seeds, tools, knowledge, and redistribution, we wish to address current and worsening food insecurity by amplifying the initiatives local residents to grow food for themselves as well as our neighbors in need. Individuals and organizations are encouraged and empowered to plant gardens throughout the Champaign-Urbana area and donate land, garden supplies, and expertise.

With help from the broader community, Solidarity Gardens CU will be offering free seeds, seedlings, tools, soil, containers, miscellaneous supplies, gardening expertise, and educational resources to any interested party in the Champaign-Urbana area.

Produce grown in gardens may be used by the owner for their own food needs and/or distributed to community members who are facing economic and food access challenges through a Solidarity Gardens CU distribution network. Participants will receive a Solidarity Garden yard sign, donated by Cunningham Township, to acknowledge their effort.

Get involved:

Have space for a garden or need space? Need food or have extra produce to donate?

Visit or contact


Make a donation:

Donate to support Solidarity Gardens CU. Donations will pay items such as for seeds, soil, tools, yard signs, volunteer appreciation and internship stipends.

Donations for this project are managed through Cunningham Township and are tax exempt to the extent allowed by law. Records of all donations and expenditures are publicly available through the Cunningham Township board website.

Donate to Solidarity Gardens

Our low income neighbors were already surviving off $6.40 in food subsidies per day. With the pandemic, we are concerned more and more people will struggle to eat and to eat healthy. Solidarity Gardens CU is a way we can come together to help each other in this difficult time.

— Danielle Chynoweth, Cunningham Township Supervisor


Our partners:

The Solidarity Gardens CU partners include Cunningham Township, Channing Murray Foundation, Urbana Free Library, Sola Gratia Farms, Carle, University of Illinois Extension, University of Illinois School of Social Work, Champaign-Urbana Public Health District, Four Osprey/Champaign-Urbana City Farms, Urbana Park District, Champaign Park District, Urbana School District, McKinley Foundation, First Followers/City of Urbana, and Lierman Community Gardens.